Saturday 20 July 2013

Making Education as Business in Indians

Making Business in Education in India

Education is the backbone of knowledge. The education is being imparted to all children in our country by public as well as private institutions.  Our country has been divided into different educational systems like CBSE, State Board, ICSE, Matriculation, Anglo-Indian etc. Though we have different systems of board for education the standard of our education is not up to the level of international standard. It further aggravates the rich-poor gap among the people.  The growth of educational institutions across the country is infested by the private vested parties with the motive of earning money decreases the value of our educational systems. The Government schools and institutions are most of the time not picked by the high income people who always prefer English schools with good infrastructure. The public and Government schools are preferred by the low income groups whose parents are daily wage earners.  The conditions of the public schools are ironical when one looks its infrastructure like water, toilet and benches and desks for students.  Most of our schools do not have the required number of teachers to take class. In some places there are only Head Master who work as teacher to all classes as well as Head Master of the school.  The participation of girl children in the school is very less when compare with the boys.  The teaching capacities of the rural teachers are highly susceptible.  They do not even possess the required qualification to teach.  But they got their job through the local politician’s coercive action.  The students studying in higher class are not even able to calculate the division and mutiplication of the middle class. This shows the teachers inability to teach. With the introduction of mid-day meal scheme the retaining capacity of the school children has been improved consistently.  But the nutritional capacity remains the same.  This is the clear indication that the nutritional condition of our condition has to be improved.  Mere giving the nutritional food and supplements cannot improve their health. But periodic diagnostic and prevention of nutritional failure should be started.
            The number of school going children slowly decreases with the level from middle, higher to collegiate level.  This can be pictorially represented by drawing a pyramid.  The Government has introduced many scholarship for school students and collegiate/ university students to pursue their higher studies without burdening their parents and also to inculcate the student an enthusiasm to propel scientific and knowledge in various field.  Even though the government provides such facilities the number of students who are getting Government job is steadily increasing with the increase of population. Students who are frustrated against the government  in search of job mostly prefer private jobs are go abroad in search of multinational companies who can offer them high salary and perks.  This cause brain drain to our country as our countries investment in education is reaped by foreign capitalists.  The students who work for the private companies cannot be blamed for their intention to join for the sake of remuneration.  The demand for the Information Technology and its enabled field in the Government sector is negligible.  With the importance of E-governance is felt among the government today various institutions are looking for software and IT applications which could help them eradicating the tedious paper work.

The private institution in education is a big business in India.  Many politicians with their money they accumulated through various ways invest in constructing building around large swaths of agricultural area.  Placing big banners and hoarders in a grand manner lure the students with high income family.  These private institutions demand higher donation fee for their investment and the quality of the teaching staffs is always a poor.  In some educational institutions the numbers of staffs vary with their official statistics.  Where a staff from one department who is well versed in particular subject needed to teach class for other department at same time. Various malpractices have been traced out from these institutions like fabrication of output, wrong advertisement about their institutions depicting some facilities which are not exist in real but shown in the advertisements and in their official documents.  These institutions sometimes lure students with wrong misrepresentation like without getting any license or approval or licensing to start course they do by their own willing.  Students who studied these courses will suffer when the regulatory authority which derecognizes due to improper registration or due to poor standards.  One such recent incident took place in Chennai recently. A girl who finished anthropology from Tamil University applied for the post of lecturer job in the department of History in a Government-aided college. Initially the college accepted her qualification and intended to recruit that girl, but one of our very old traditional Universities in Chennai had derecognized her qualification to be appointed as lecturer in History department.  As she has finished degree in anthropology but applying in History is against the norms of our educational system. The University has failed to look what the University Grants Commission  (UGC) who is the statutory authority for higher education system in India. The UGC recognizes everyone who has completed their course in anthropology and can join as lecturer in History department in any college once they meet the required educational standards. 
The Government sows the seeds of discrimination in the young minds of the student even before joining the school by asking their community certificate. These students who after submitting their certificates join in those educational institutions but they realize only when they mature in the society.  These students feel that there is a line between them in caste, creed and in status.  Where the higher income earning family students join CBSE or Anglo-Indian schools tend to keep their educational status in their way of life.  We can see the difference among the students between English medium to students studying in mother tongue and also between students from rich to poor.  Uniforms are meant to eliminate the difference among the students, but the tiffin boxes never.  Rich family student lunch will be high in nutritional content along with the snacks whereas the poorer one having low nutritional content food.  Religion based scholarships, bus passes and separate hostel facilities for various categories of students discriminate the school going students.  The seed sown will develop into a tree when they join college or a university for education.  These institutions with separate hostel facilities show the ugly face of castes. Instances of various incidents like where a backward class students refuse to take food cooked by scheduled caste chefs and scheduled castes and other backward class students do not take food together in some colleges have been noted throughout the country which demoralizes the society as whole. 
              The private education donates not only the capital fees from the students they discriminate the student where the rich who can afford these education study in that institutions and get placed in some big private multinational company or our countries private companies. The poor students pursue some low graded institutions after their graduation goes for Government jobs. In search of jobs they would lose their enjoyable life where the rich students need not to worry as they have some business to look after their parents.  These private institutions which seek lakhs of money where they put forth restrictions like that both the parents should be educated. Even though the number of parents who are interested to join their schools are booming every day.  The parent’s dream that their children should one day became a person with good job in hand and earning a high income in society and could bring back the money invested for their education.  These are the students who are later indulging in society and also against our culture.  The poor student with rural background proved to be consistently an ethically eternal in society.

            Many of our countries technical institutions are located in south and the number of students who complete in engineering and M.B.B.S face difficulty in finding jobs.  Even the Government is not in a position to offer such a burgeoning job seeking educated graduates to give job. The rural student who are lacking in communication skills fail to land in suitable job, whose positions are seized by rich family backgrounds with recommendations from politicians muddle the administration where-ever they go.  With the introduction of Right to Education the constitution mandates all private and Government schools to give 25% reservation for students from backward sections.  The Constitution also necessitates the parents to give their children education between the age group 6 – 14.  Therefore it became compulsory for the States to give free education to all sections of student between the age group 6-14.  Failing to do with this provision will lead to penalization.  Various statistics taken by Non-Governmental as well as Governmental organization depicts the sorry picture that girls from rural background and Muslim community lagging behind the urban and other Hindu and Christian groups. Cultural and religious hindrance should be broken so as to include these sections in the inclusive development. Malala Yosufzagi who was shot by Taliban some months before recovered from the wounds and now she made a speech in United Nations insisting for women education worldwide. Our country’s Muslim community should look her contribution for women education and must break the hurdle. The education given to men will promote his growth but the education given to women will help promote the family and society as a whole.
  Our country’s education is impregnated with so many constraints where the learnt people finds job abroad and work for other county’s development where the people with less educated or of low standard try to get themselves in government jobs and make the administration blamed by the whole society for rendering poor services and private institutions which attracts young talented students in the society who were left by the Government propagates those institutions to develop further. The Government’s investment in the educational sector and scholarships goes in vain when it fails to select proper students from the society who are talented and it paves the way of brain drain.  The Government has to appoint various committees and conduct discussions with the students and researchers, to review our subjects standardization and bring it in line with the international standard where the young mind should be attracted towards science and they have to contribute the growth of their own discipline instead of studying for their own growth. 

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