Tuesday 23 July 2013

Real Estate Menace

                                                                Real Estate Menace

The spurt of real estate development in India saw a tremendous growth after the period of liberalization, privatization and globalization in 1991, where government introduced the LPG. The government broke the monopoly of the public sectors and government companies which had enjoyed the only single player in the market.  The recent flood in Uttarakhand depicts the picture of real estate mafia’s encroachment of lands illegally for their economic benefit paves the way for death of thousands of pilgrimage.  The real estate mafia’s amend the law or make it beneficial to them lobbying politicians who can legislate with environmental acts and so many acts concerned with protection of nature.  The Ministry of Environment and Forest has given so many clearances to the private people who are constructing illegal buildings breaching the norms of Government rules and get their protection by offering huge bribery to the Government officers.  The agitation by people is aggravated by the Judiciaries prejudiced and biased verdicts. The farmers of Uttar Pradesh had protested against the construction of BUDDH international F-1circuit in their farm land.  The person who ordered the shooting of farmers could be identified by neither the Government officials nor the Judiciary.  Whether all the farmers who had lost their land were compensated or not is not clear, and people are fainted with the Capitalist sport watching Michael Schumacher and Sebastian Vettel not worrying about whether the farmers are able to capitalize for their lost land.
            The loss of agricultural land and other useful land are going into the hands of private people who construct building in a large area using ground water exorbitantly.  The Real Estate advertisements in media is quite watching, i have been watching all the advertisements where young couple with their beautiful children walking in the greenery spaces, nearby the swimming pools, doing exercises in the gymnasium, watching movies in the mini theatre, in a neatly planned area with ample space for car parking and so many kind of other stuffs which are highly mesmerizing.  But no one noticed in those advertisements what happened to their age old parents.  Whether they are sent to old age home or left alone in the streets is investigable one.  No one has filed any public interest litigation in the courts which leaves the parents in a family to frustrate. With the advent of migration in the mega cities the construction of building is a big business, where so many people have indulged in real estate activities.  The mafia’s can buy the agricultural land from the poor farmers in a cheap rate and construct huge buildings and sell individual houses from several lakh of rupees to crores earning a big profit within a short period of time.  The Government on other hand pretends to restrict the activities of real estate by making laws.  The Policy where the politicians make is studded with so many loopholes where it does not provide any provision for apprehending the mafias but it will be another chunk of papers which will be shelved soon once the farmers started protesting against this.  
The Land Acquisition Bill passed by the members in the parliament promises to provide compensation to the farmers who lost land their land to various governmental and private constructions. One has to be clear that the governments swift in how the Neyveli lignite area farmers were compensated. Government had promised employment but how many got that.  People are highly anxious about the price rice and soaring inflation but it is worrisome when they are not aware of the farmer’s distress and not doing enough to protect their rights. Small farmers are the one who are losing their precious land to real estate mafias in a quick manner due to debt, failure of agriculture, water scarcity. Various agricultural lands are being lost by farmers for several purposes of these the real estate stands foremost in encroaching. Next stands converting the agricultural lands for infrastructure activities.  Our country’s population growth is increasing at the rate of 2.5% per year, it has already crossed 121 crore. The large scale migrations of rural people who are leaving their agricultural land left in fallow searching job in urban areas finally settle in the urban areas.  The increase of migration puts pressure on the land therefore the cities extending to nearby areas. It promotes the construction of houses for ever increasing population in the cities.  Large areas fall victim to the greedy real estate people.
The real estate promoters not only build houses but also various resorts in the hilly regions of our country, converting the natural lands into concrete buildings thereby threatening the life of various flora and fauna of the region and the entire environment into lurch. The Uttarakhand flood situation is alleged to be man-made disaster, construction of concrete buildings and resort spas created disequilibrium in that area creating major havoc of landslides, boulder and rocks displacements.  This area will not be used for tourism purpose for at least 3 years, all because of man’s greed of land acquiring and accruing wealth.  Whenever man plays with nature the result will be disastrous to human, we have to realize from the havoc created by Mississippi-Missouri River in the US. So many times dam had been constructed the turbulent water breaches it every time.
            The present condition of real estate enlargement seemed to be nurtured by the Government itself in the name of infrastructure building.  The change in the unified family to neutral family is also another factor attributable to the real estate growth.  Controlling of population shall be the main agenda for the government if it intends to reduce the real estate growth.  One family one child policy has to be adopted by the Government.  The conversion of agricultural land must be stopped by enacting legislation.  Instead of the government’s approach of appointing committee to the committee as had been done in the case of Madhav Gadgil’s committee report reviewed by Kasturirangan committee.

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